Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cool Things and a Yule Mixtape

Alrighty, cool things first. 

I found out that I have clairsentience powers yesterday. Yeah, cool huh. That means I'm an Empath. It freaked me the crap out. It was like a gut feeling... I resonated with this lady and could feel her emotions. It was kinda crazy. I really shouldn't be surprised. I already have prophetic dreams and can see ghosts and talk to gods and spirits... but I've never read someone's mood on purpose before...  That was just so.... Incredible. 

Yule Mixtape

My great-grandparents were the last in my family to celebrate Yule, but I'm gonna restart the tradition. We're planning a yuletide dinner of German Pork Stew with seared pork, crispy bacon, potatoes, onions, cream, turmeric, and garlic... Also gonna have homemade mead, English Ale, cheese, homemade bread, and probably my garlicky pickles (cucumbers, salt, and garlic in the fridge in a baggy overnight). Probably with Apple pie or cobbler for dessert.

So, I was thinking I'd make a Mixtape (on CD though) for Yule with a bunch of awesome Western Pagan music...

...and you can see where this is going...

There's something so awesome I have to put it in though. The Dragonborn Comes from Skyrm... Yeah. 

but there's another version I've considered...

either way, it's gonna be awesome...

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